الأربعاء، 27 مايو 2009

My best friends

Everyone is affected by certain events or individuals that greatly change their life. Many people have influenced me during my life. One of them my best friend is Sara .She was my friend from childhood until now . We were playing with together after we finished our home work . I Met her in 1st grade. She taught me everything. She was special because she taught me how to achieve my dream and she always says (your dream will come true if Allah wills) but you need to work hardly

She influenced me with the idea of creativity. She not only told me, but showed me that creativity is not a skill, and it is not a talent, she able to turn a normal situation to abnormal thing by using everything that's around you to turn that in something creative .She was very honesty , I remembered one day when I fall dawn and my leg was broken ,she visited me and he was the first person who had visited me

Then came the day when Sara moved away and she attended in King Abdul Aziz university in Jeddah to study medicine and I attended in Taiba university to study English language . I was sad because I am alone but really , I missed my best friend so much. I gave her my email and now we are back in touch remembering the good old days.

Sad Bird

One of most attractive seabirds is an egret .It is like an angle with tow white wings .It has a white body, black legs, yellow bill and a thin neck .I took this photo from channel tow and it is belong to Saudi artist .I surprised when I heard that is the artist took the picture from Farasn Island in south of Saudi Arabia which surrounded by the Red sea. I think this picture attract me more than any picture in the world of birds because you will think in Egret's feeling ,appearance , and his strength . Everyone when he looked to this picture he will touch the beauty of this bird

Most people notice the sadness in its eyes and no one can ignore that . He stands lonely for a long hours beside the beach on one feet. Egrets can not leave the sea because the sea is his refuge even in windy or rainy days .All the species of this bird sing a sad tone as if it is bloody and no one can understand the real reason of his sad feeling.

No one can irresistible the beauty of Egrets birds . you may wonder when you get close from it .It is like snow in the sea and like an angle in darkness. The World Encyclopedia says, "Egrets are one of most beautiful sea bird''.

There is amazing thing in this bird .In spite of his big size but it is artful bird in his fishing and catching frog. In other hand it can fly so fast and fall as a thunder.

In the 19th and early part of the 20th century, some of the world's egret species were endangered because hunting and breeding birds were killed in locations all around the world by some animals. I hope this bird live forever .

الثلاثاء، 19 مايو 2009

roots of tree

خواطر عربية

فزاعة الموت

واقفة في المنتصف كالبطل في ساحة القتال.
منظرها مهيب وكأنها إنسان مترصد بالخطر لمن حوله.
لاتبرح مكانها منذ سنوات.
تهابها الطيور في وقفتها وتكتسي الملابس والقبعة.
فمن ذا الذي تهابه الطيور وقت الظهيرة وفي وضح النهار.
إنه البشر الذي عشق الأرض .
وكل مايدور في قلبه هو الأرض وليس الطير..
تسير فوق الثمار هذه الطيور.
وتهاب النزول .
وتصرخ من بعيد .
إنسان..أنسان ...هناك إنسان..
في يده فأس.
انه الموت.
وترحل بعيدا...هاربة من فزاعة الموت.
التي أخافتهم دون رحمة.

الأحد، 12 أبريل 2009

الأزهار الآرجوانية

رسمت الطبيعة بلونها
تتحدث بلغتها الدافئة
تحاكي من حولها
تتألق بلونها الآرجواني
فاق جمالها كل جمال
صوتها كالعندليب
ورائحتها كالعود
وشعورها الدفء
تتفرع وتتمايل برقة
يغلفها عالم من الرومانسية
فتزهو في الصيف
وتزهر في دفء الربيع
وتصمت في برد الشتاء
لاتملك إلا إحاسيس الحب
التي تبعث فيها الحياة.

الأحد، 29 مارس 2009

من أنا

KSA, The Source Of Peace
do not care with who are u but what can u do in ur life !!